Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot waveguides

Nonlinearity of optimized horizontal slot waveguides - 2009 ...

On-chip broadband ultra-compact optical couplers and ... ... Wellenzohn M and Hainberger R 2009 Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic ... in silicon photonic ... loaded slot waveguides in silicon-on ... Highly Nonlinear Silicon Photonics Slot Waveguides without ... Highly Nonlinear Silicon Photonics Slot Waveguides without Free Carrier Absorption Related Speed-Limitations ... waveguides, a stronger Kerr nonlinearity is partly Nonlinear silicon-on-insulator waveguides for all-optical ... Nonlinear silicon-on-insulator waveguides for all ... silicon-on-insulator photonic wires ... “Structural optimization of silicon-on-insulator slot waveguides ... Highly-Nonlinear Silicon Photonics Slot Waveguide

We demonstrate low-loss slot waveguides on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. Waveguides oriented along the (11-2) direction on the Si (110) plane were first fabricated by a standard e-beam lithography and dry etching process. A TMAH based anisotropic wet etching technique was then used to remove any residual side wall roughness. Using this fabrication technique propagation loss as low as 3 ...

2. Highly Nonlinear SOI Slot Waveguides and Optimization for Maximum Nonlinearity The structure of the highly nonlinear silicon on insulator slot waveguide is shown in Fig. 1(a). Its core consists of two silicon (Si) ribs on a silicon buffer (SiO2). The slot waveguide is filled and covered with a Kerr-type nonlinear organig cladding (NL). Nonlinear silicon photonics - IOPscience Aug 21, 2017 · Silicon photonics is a technology based on fabricating integrated optical circuits by using the same paradigms as the dominant electronics industry. After twenty years of fervid development, silicon photonics is entering the market with low cost, high performance and mass-manufacturable optical devices. Frontiers | Low-Loss Slot Waveguides with Silicon (111 Nov 22, 2016 · We demonstrate low-loss slot waveguides on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. Waveguides oriented along the (11-2) direction on the Si (110) plane were first fabricated by a standard e-beam lithography and dry etching process. A TMAH based anisotropic wet etching technique was then used to remove any residual side wall roughness. Using this fabrication technique propagation loss as …

glass waveguides deposited: Topics by

Silicon and silicon-based materials have strong optical nonlinearities which are enhanced in integrated devices by the small cross-section of the high-index contrast silicon waveguides or photonic crystals. Here the photons are made to strongly interact with the medium where they propagate. This is the central argument of nonlinear silicon ... On-chip broadband ultra-compact optical couplers and ... In this work, we propose novel schemes to design on-chip ultra-compact optical directional couplers (DC) and broadband polarization beam splitters (PBS) based on off-centered and asymmetric dielectric slot waveguides, respectively. Slot dimensions and positions are optimized to achieve maximum coupling coefficients between two symmetric and non ... Experimental GVD engineering in slow light slot photonic ...

Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot ...

One-dimensional photonic crystal slot waveguide for ... ) of 100 nm. The 1D PC slot waveguide sits on top of a silicon dioxide layer and is covered with EO polymer (SEO 125 Soluxra, LLC., n 1.63). Figure 2(a) shows the simulated photonic band dia- gram of the quasi-transverse-electric (TE) modes of the 1D PC slot waveguide using the 3D plane-wave expansion method. Nonlinearity of optimized horizontal slot waveguides ... In this theoretical study, we show that the use of optimized horizontal silicon photonic slot waveguide structures could enable the realization of devices with a nonlinearity coefficient of more than 2×10 7 W −1 km −1. Low-nonlinearity and low-loss silicon slot waveguides with ... We demonstrate low-loss silicon slot waveguides filled with single and dual atomic layer deposited oxide layers. Propagation losses less than 5 dB/cm and 8 dB/cm are achieved for the waveguides with single (Al 2 O 3) and double (Al 2 O 3-TiO 2) layers, respectively.The devices are fabricated using low-temperature CMOS compatible processes. Angled sidewalls in silicon slot waveguides: conformal ...

Silicon microring resonators - Wiley Online Library

Spectral sea surface reflectance of skylight glass waveguides deposited: Topics by These structures have the advantage of being transparent in the whole of thevisible region, which makes them different from photonic crystals made... hybrid photonic integration: Topics by The application in silicon photonics to realize high-performance active and passive photonic devices on low-cost silicon wafers is discussed. Hybrid integration is believed to be a promising technology in a variety of applications of …

Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot waveguides